5 steps to a great CV

Nov 16, 2021

Before you even make it to the interview, you have to make sure you show all the right things on your CV first. But what are the right things? We’re a trusted recruitment agency with many years in the industry, and we have the top 5 steps to get your resumé right!


Think about your skills, competencies, qualifications and experience. What are your unique selling points and strengths? Consider what you have achieved in your previous roles and keep them relevant to the new role you are applying for.

If you are replying to a specific job advertisement, review what key words and tasks were used in the advertisement. Which of these words applies to you?

2. Helpful Hints

A short and powerful CV will catch the attention of any recruiter and employer, but we understand it can be hard to narrow down a career’s worth of achievements to one page. So, if you’ve got a lot of matching skills or experiences then make sure your CV is no longer than 3 pages.

All content MUST be relevant to the job you’re applying for. This is the most important tip and is still often forgotten.

Make sure your CV is well structured and laid out, reflecting the logical manner in which you work and making it easier to read.

Avoid self-opinion. Include factual information or objective evidence which show the direct impact or results of your achievements.

Pay close attention to details in advertisements, like how to spell the contact’s name or any specific instructions on how to reply. Have someone else to double check your spelling and grammar.

Always avoid fancy fonts. Clear, neat text will have a significantly higher chance to be read by an employer or recruiter and keeps the document tidy and easy to understand.

3. The First Page

This should contain your:

– personal details

– home address

– contact details

at the top of the page.

Following this is a brief summary of educational credentials and qualifications.

Then an overview statement which covers your strengths in the relevant area, skills and experience, and the type of position sought.

4. Pages Two/Three

Highlight your employment history in reverse chronological order so that the latest job you have had is first on the list. If you’ve worked for one company, break it down with an entry for each position or project you have dealt with.

Briefly describe the responsibilities and work you’ve undertaken within each of those positions.

Include achievements, not just regular tasks, and where possible, explain them in sales, financial, or production terms.

List any relevant hobbies and interests in no more than three lines, so long as they relate to the position or industry you are applying for.

Any volunteering, charity work, or external posts are worth mentioning and always include any languages, courses, or training you have done.

Two referees are recommended to be given at a later date.

5. The Covering Letter

CV’s should always be introduced with a cover letter or telephone call.

Use this to expand on points from your CV or include new ones if there was not enough space.

It is not a purely opinion based piece, continue to stick to facts and evidence, but now you can have a bit more space to express more of who you are through that information.

The letter can really let your personality come through. Remember, recruitment consultants and employers read hundreds of CVs, an interesting introductory letter can make yours stand out!

For any more help on pursuing and developing your career, our friendly and trusted recruiters are ready to give you all the support and guidance you need. Call us on 01489 774 010 or visit our website to contact our team.

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