Making changes for equality and inclusion within your business

Feb 23, 2021

2020 was tough to say the least, so what is 2021 going to bring for us now? There are a lot of challenges that we continue to face, and as a business, it is going to be tough to know where to start. With the growing skills gap and an entirely new generation entering our workforces, there can seem like a lot to figure out, and we’re here to help you take the steps you and your business needs. With our dedicated team, there are a lot of skills we can discover from all backgrounds that can fit you. Reaching into minority groups can open the skillset wide, filling the industry with talent that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Equality is one of the biggest issues raised today. With constant pursuits of inclusion and diversity within the workplace. Creating an equal environment is at the forefront of decisions and actions. There should always be this strive to create equal opportunities and improve the lives and workspaces of people. And we should always listen. Diversity and inclusion is at the top of the list for many businesses and organisation. Realising your representation of ethnic minorities and women within engineering and construction, and how that can be changed to develop a more equal playing field.

The construction sector in the UK has always struggled with the gender balance, with less than 1% of 800,000 construction and building trades workers being women. In 1984, WISE was established following the Finniston Report on the future of engineering in the UK as a way of combating the lack of women in these industries. The report highlighted the need for a wider talent pool of scientists and engineers; positions which women can fill. This has helped bring light to the issue and contributed to a range of campaigns, such as the WISE campaign, which raised the profile of women and girls pursuing STEM subjects. The Engineering Council collaborated with the Equal Opportunities Commission to create the Women Into Science and Engineering year- the WISE year. The main focus of this year was to educate young girls on the opportunities within engineering and construction; a strategy that could be key in reviving this increase in diversity.

There are Ten Steps created by WISE to help identify areas of improvement for your business. Each of these steps is designed to drive company performance and remove the hurdles that stand against creating a genuinely inclusive culture.

By making the industry more known and accessible to young girls, it can create an achievable environment and help reduce the stigma of girls choosing male-dominated subjects. With an increase of more than 600 girls completing STEM subjects at A-levels, there is a clear interest in it. Along with a strong drive from generation Z as they are entering the workforce, pushing the movement for equality and diversity, partnering with school will help educate this generation and give them direction into these industries that are trying to change their reputation.

There have been studies showing the challenges faced for women compared to ethnic minorities, however, there was always a running theme of discrimination. To shift the reputation of the construction industry to reflect the non-discriminatory environment that it can be will help create a huge change in attitude for women and minorities. Many may fear the workplace based on its challenging reputation which leads to discouragement in applying for job roles and therefore potentially leading to a huge loss of skills.

By opening the doors to diversity in the workplace, there will be the opportunity for a wider pool of talent and therefore help close the skills gap further. We can help attract these skills with our extensive knowledge and experience. Call us to discover what new candidates we can find for you.

Making equal opportunities to diverse groups provides many benefits for everyone involved. An inclusive platform allows for a range of new ideas, talent, and development as we push for innovative designs and processes. The interest in STEM subjects for girls is increasing every year and we can help keep that momentum with support for young girls and minorities and a shift in perspectives for engineering and construction. We always have our sights set on getting a diverse range of the best talents as we look for skills that anyone can put their minds to and work towards as a career. See who we can find for you on 01489 774 010.

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