Highfield Professional Solutions - Millennials

What do the new generation of employees look for in a company?

Sep 20, 2017

It’s very true when they say millennials have completely different expectations and ideas when it comes to their career, compared to the attitudes of those who have now retired. Many companies shy away from change, and stick to the dangerous phrase ‘but this is the way we’ve always done it’.

Highfield is proud to be a working environment which listens to its employees and meets all their expectations, making a great atmosphere to work in (and it’s not just us that says so, we’ve been shortlisted for ‘Best Company to Work For‘!)

So what do millennials look for when choosing their workplace?

Training and progression

They want to learn more, they want promotion criteria and they want to know that if they’re still working for you in 20 years that they won’t be stuck in the same job or department they first signed up for. Sure, short term wins are great, but millennials want something long term – they’re loyal and driven, and they need a company who reciprocates and invests in their development.

Company culture

Whether it’s a bacon sandwich the morning after the Christmas party, dogs in the office or away days, company culture is paramount to millennials enjoying where they work. Employee satisfaction creates an environment where you’ll attract, and retain, the best talent.


The work-life balance is something that is talked about in every business these days, but many companies don’t act upon the clear need, and want, for more flexibility. Millennials work hard, and bring a heap of new ideas to businesses, so they want rewarding in other ways than just their monthly pay packet. 4pm finishes on a Friday, or incentives and targets to hit in order to have an earlier finish at the end of the week, will motivate the team and get everyone working to the best of their ability. They work hard all week and get an extra hour at home with their loved ones – it’s a win-win for all!

A different style of leadership

The attitude of the management will either motivate or demotivate young professionals. To be listened to, appreciated and rewarded is key for millennials, so gone are the days of pointless meetings at the same time every week. Engaging meetings with a purpose over a coffee in the local café will create more motivation, and a more positive response in return.

Growth opportunities

Cash isn’t the be all and end all for millennials. Sure, they want to earn good money and create a sturdy future for themselves, but they want to have a vision for where they’ll be in 10 years. Help them to visualise their career in the company and all the exciting opportunities and possibilities they could be faced with. Top talent is more likely to stay loyal if they know they have a world of opportunities ahead of them in the company they are already loving working for.


If you’re nodding your head in agreement with all of the above, then Highfield are hiring! We have multiple graduate positions available; Contact Lauren for more information – [email protected]

How could your current company maintain their staff? What’s the most important thing you look for when choosing the company you work for? Tweet us and let us know!

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