Positive role models this International Men’s Day

Nov 18, 2021

November is a month that celebrates and supports men and creates a time to highlight the struggles they face, with the help of Movember and International Men’s day. While we continue to strive for equality, the construction and engineering industries remain male dominated for now, making it all the more important to share and support the difficulties we all see and experience. This year’s theme focuses on “better relations between men and women” as one of the six pillars of International Men’s Day is to improve gender relations and promote gender equality.

One of the top purposes for this day is to celebrate the value men bring, positive role models, and to raise awareness of men’s well-being. Role models can be anybody, and they can be important for a range of reasons. From parents to strangers, there is no limit to who can have a positive impact on someone’s life, or how they do it. Friday 19th of November is International Men’s Day, so we spoke to a handful of the men at Highfield and asked them, “who was/is a positive role model for you and why?

I think your role models change over time. When you are younger you obviously look up to those closest to you, family and friends mainly. Then we all have some kind of ‘hero’, which in my case was always a footballer as I was a football obsessed as a child. And now I am older I take more inspiration from various people, whether that is a family member or someone who I happen to stumble across on a podcast, anyone with an inspirational story to tell. As a parent, I take inspiration from my own parents, in work I seek inspiration from those I work with and various business leaders, and my children will always be my greatest inspiration.

Andy, Director

Sam Hughes will always be a great role model to me. He taught me to appreciate everything I have and live life with a smile on my face. He showed me how to love every challenge that I face and know that it will make me stronger.

Liam, Director

I would say my dad has been a good role model, the reason being is I believe a good role model would be someone who is generous with their time and always is open to passing on the wisdom of their experience and knowledge to the betterment of others.

Sam D, Senior Delivery Consultant

I wouldn’t say I have one role model as a lot of people inspire me.

I have some good close friends and family that I look up to. From CEOs of tech companies to songwriters. Their success inspires me to work hard and become the best version I can of myself.

Simon, Financial Controller

I don’t really have just one role model – people that value people’s happiness in high regard are role models for me.

George, Principal Recruitment Consultant

It is important to value those around you, as well as yourself, and to keep those who inspire you in your mind to help drive your success and remind you of kindness. Support the men and women in your life this International Men’s Day to raise awareness for men’s well-being as well as reinforce gender relations and equality.

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