Elle Stephenson

Talent Acquisition Lead

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Telephone 07539062526


Want to work for Highfield? I am the person you need to speak too.

Recruiting talent into the recruitment industry has been my life for the last 7.5 years.

My mantra – “values over experience”

I love a challenge.

I love really understanding people and their drivers.

I will never write someone off based on having ‘no recruitment’ experience


Get in touch!


If you want to have a look at what jobs I have, that you might be interested in, then you can find them all here on our join our team page.


I am an extremely open minded person that would choose family over anything!! I have to always have a holiday planned otherwise I get really down in the dumps – City breaks are the one!

If I had a choice to go out to the pub or go to Next and buy some fresh PJ’s with a root around Homesense, I would choose Next & Homesense every time – call me sad, but I’m such a home bird!

Down fall? I’m a beige food eater. I am that person that will ask for their mayo chicken plain, and adult nuggets, chips and beans.

Country music is my whole personality.

I went on my dream holiday in May 2023 to Memphis and Nashville and it was the best thing I have ever done.

30th birthday pending in Nashville!

My current roles

"Elle was Personable and honest throughout. She acted as a sounding board and really made the whole process easy. The way she treats candidates is commendable and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a new opportunity in recruitment."


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