
10 Ways To Ace Your Video Interview

Mar 23, 2020

Many people worry about video interviews for many reasons, here are a few:

 I don’t understand how to set it up?

What if I have technical issues?

However, we have put together 10 tips that will ensure you won’t be caught off guard and instead show your skills as a candidate ready for the job at hand.

Firstly, let’s start with the day before preparation:

  1. Video Call Environment

An interview conducted anywhere still needs to be professional, which means you need to think about what room in your house meets these requirements. The interviewer will see what’s behind you, so you need to make sure there are no distractions that could move their focus from you. It is also key to have good lighting as you don’t want your interviewer to struggle to see you – first impressions matter! Once you have chosen your room and set up – make sure you have discussed with your family that there will be an interview taking place at a certain time and therefore you need them not to walk in and keep any noise down.

2. Test the Process

The day before, it is paramount to test the video on the platform you are using whether it’s Skype or Zoom. You can do this with a friend or family member and video call them so you can become more confident in using the platform. Make sure your sound and microphone are working, as well as your camera and get your friend/family member to run through some interview questions. The most important thing to ask them for is FEEDBACK, not just on your interview answers but also; can they hear you… clearly? Is the picture quality ok? Is there any delay? This run-through will familiarize yourself and also give you time to make any adjustments.

3. Is your account professional?

As we said before, first impressions matter! For platforms like Google Hangouts or Zoom, the majority of the time if you are a first time user they will use your first and last name. However, if you have been asked by the interviewer to call via Skype. Make sure, especially if you are using an old Skype account that the username and profile picture is professional and appropriate. You could even consider making a new account, specifically for work.

4. Write down any notes to prompt yourself and have questions to ask!

Like you would if you went to a face-to-face interview, print off your CV and have it ready as the interviewer may ask you some questions based on it. Everyone forgets the points they are going to make… its only human. But you can write down prompts that remind you how you want to answer questions about yourself, as well as some questions you would like to ask them.


Try not to look down at your notes too often – you want to remain good eye contact with them to show you are engaged.

On the Day….

5. Set up with plenty of time

You wouldn’t go to a face-to-face interview and not prepare for it – this is no different! 15 minutes before your interview, log onto the platform and make sure everything is ready to go. This ensures that when the interviewer calls, you are ready to accept and start. The last thing you would want is to miss the call, as it may leave a bad impression on the interviewer with assumptions that you cannot manage your time or you are disorganized.

6. Dress to Impress

We’ve heard so many stories about people getting ‘half’ ready and looking smart on their top half, but wearing tracksuit bottoms on their bottom half. Whilst predominately the interviewer will not see all of you – it is best that you still dress as you would for a face-to-face interview! 

7. Body Language

We know it seems harder to build a good rapport over video call – but it is not impossible! Make sure you are clear and looking directly as the webcam (eye-contact) when you speak. This will ensure the interviewer that you are engaged in the process. Don’t forget to smile throughout and maintain and good posture as this shows you are confident and ready to answer anything that comes your way.

8. Engagement

When the interviewer is talking make sure you are acting as you would if you were there. Nodding, gestures and animating your face are all key signs of engagement in the process.

9. Technical Issues

With technology, comes issues. Your or their Wi-Fi may be slow and you may lose connection, or there is a massive delay when speaking. These issues could arise, but the important thing is to stay calm when this happens. You can even turn it into an opportunity to show your potential employer that you have the ability to stay calm and deal with the situation proactively.

10. Follow Up

Once the interview is over it is a great idea to send an email via your recruiter to say you enjoyed meeting them and learning about the role. As well as, asking them for any feedback.

The video interviewing process may be new to you, but by following these simple steps, we have no doubt it will be a success!

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