
A Survival Guide For Your First Graduate role

May 23, 2017

So, the day has finally arrived that you have wished for over the last 3 years – no more exams, no more deadlines… FREEDOM! But now that day is here what do you do? As exciting as the working world can be, the transition from university to 8.30am starts can be tough. As a graduate myself, I had to deal with plenty of changes, which after 4 years I am finally adapting to. Based on my own experiences, I’ve compiled a survival guide for you eager grads to ensure you survive office life.


I know after three years of uni you’re used to casual comfy outfits, but welcome to office life…wearing exactly what you want becomes a thing of the past. Employers are going to see you as ambassadors of their company and want you to appear smart and professional. So, the ripped jeans and converse will have to wait until dress down Friday.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

No one is going to expect you to know everything straight away. Rather than sit at your desk wondering what you should be doing, ask one of your colleagues for help. We’ve all been there at some stage of our career, and after all your manager is there to show you the ropes.

Be realistic

Ok, so you’ve graduated with a solid degree and you’re ready to put your knowledge in to action. But remember, you are still at the beginning of your career! Your first job may not be as glamorous, exciting or fulfilling as you think it’s going to be. When you think of those city workers swanning about at lunchtime, taking clients to exciting meetings and wearing designer shoes, it’s easy to forget the hard work that involves reaching that point. But with determination and ambition there is no reason you can’t aim for that!

Be prepared to go the extra mile

This is your first job, and hopefully you’ve managed to secure it within a company that will invest in your development. Just remember that the more you put in, the more you’ll get out. If that means staying late a couple of nights, or doing a bit of research at home in the evenings, then do it! Just think how great it will feel when you secure that first promotion…

Office gossip

Everyone can be partial to a bit of gossip now and then, but remember you’re not with your uni mates anymore. Try and steer clear from any big office gossip, you’re better off keeping your head down and focusing on your work – your colleagues will respect you more for it.

Enjoy it!

You’ve spent at least 3 years studying for this, so try and enjoy it and give it your all! Yes, I’d be lying if I said we didn’t all have bad days – but as long as you have more good days at work than bad, then you’re more than likely in the right role.

Good luck, the working world is not as scary as it seems. If, however, you are yet to secure a grad role then take a look what a year in recruitment is like, if this sounds like the job for you then get in touch today, or email your CV to [email protected].

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