International Women’s Day 2020

Mar 9, 2020

For a number of years, International Women’s Day has been a key date in Highfield’s calendar. We come together each year to recognise the contributions women have had to our business. This increases awareness of our diversity and inclusion, as well as renewing the energy for gender parity.

This year’s theme is #EachforEqual whereby we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. This involves challenging stereotypes, fighting biases, broadening perceptions and celebrating women’s achievements. Let’s all be #EachforEqual.

The IWD 2020 campaign theme is drawn from a notion of ‘Collective Individualism’ whereby we are all parts of a whole. Our individual actions, behaviours, and mind-sets all have an impact on our society as a whole. Which is why collectively we can make a change happen.

As you can see in the picture above the woman is demonstrating the #EachforEqual pose. The reasoning behind this is to motivate others, so put your arms out and STRIKE the pose!

Kay Fadden is our People & Performance Manager, who has been successful in her role here at Highfield. She works part-time and is a mum of three whilst continuing to further her career. We asked her a few questions in relation to #IWD2020:

As someone who was recently promoted to a managerial role, describe 3 characteristics about yourself that you believe led to your success in the workplace? 

Real“Seems a bit ‘odd’ but of one the things I learned early on working in customer service and management was to be real and be YOU. If you pretend to be someone you are not or make comparisons to everyone else, you’ll always overthink and lose the best bits about yourself. Focus on the strengths and you’ll make an impact.”

Honest“Honest conversations are something as a basis for work and life. I think it’s so important for relationships good or bad to be assertive and honest.”

Kind“A no brainer really working in a people role. Being part of a support team and driving change and improvement is constant – you need to support people through change. I’ve always enjoyed supporting others and try and do the right thing! Have a giggle and build strong relationships – it’s the crux!

As a mum of three, how do you balance your work/life/career?

“A daily juggling act! I talk with my children all the time about what’s important in life. This keeps me focused. Reminding myself also, about what I can and can’t control. Again, I think it comes back to the above… if you’re honest, real and kind when the dark stuff hits the fan – you’ll pull through together. It’s give and take, and that’s how I get by.”

Kirsty Lockyear is a Principle Recruitment Consultant here at Highfield, she is also known as ‘Superwomen’. Why? Kirsty works part-time, a mum of two and one of our top billers. We also asked her how she continues to be so successful in her role:

What is your secret to being a mum, working part-time and being one of the top billers in your company?

‘I am massively OCD! I plan everything weeks in advance and cannot live without my lists!! I also have a very rigid process that I follow for each aspect of my role, this enables me to ensure I am efficient in the short amount of time I have in the office.’

Kirsty has been at Highfield for over four years and continues to bill constantly high. This has got her onto the ‘top performer’s weekend away’. This involves an all-expenses-paid holiday courtesy of Highfield. To become part of this weekend, you have to bill a certain amount which involves a lot of hard work and determination!

How did it feel to get a place on the top performer’s weekend away?

‘Amazing!!! It is hard to maintain a place within the top 10 performers in the office when I only work half the hours that everyone else does. So to consistently achieve that and be rewarded for it is really motivating. Roll on Palma!!!’

 #IWD2020 is put in place to celebrate the achievements of women across the world, and for us, we feel privileged to have women role models like Kay & Kirsty. They continue to show their success both in the workplace and at home. For International Women’s Day 2020 and beyond, we support, how will you? #EachforEqual

Enjoy our International Women’s Day blog? Check out our piece on STEM blog 2019 and find out about young people going into the industry.

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