IWD 2021, the women of Highfield talk career advice

Mar 8, 2021

International Women’s day is prominent for many people all over the world as it continues leading the pursuit of equality and celebrating the achievements of women everywhere. The battle to be seen and heard varies for women and it’s important that no matter who we are, we all help to call out inequality. This is why the theme for the day this year is #ChooseToChallenge in order to encourage everyone to challenge gender bias and lead to changes. ‘A challenged world is an alert world’ and we are each responsible to create an environment where equality is the norm. This begins with ensuring negative actions and behaviours are not overlooked, but are brought into the spotlight to be challenged and in turn work out a better and fairer solution. 

With many people willing to learn, it is easier to bring more awareness to inequality and help to further understand its consequences. Often, it may not be a deliberate attempt to create a gender gap, and so choosing to challenge these moments allows for it to be noticed and action taken. This provides a chance for equal opportunities to be presented to women, particularly in the workplace. We asked the women here at Highfield if they could share the best career advice they’ve received or learnt through their own experiences.  

“So, there are two things for me; 1. This was written on a little piece of paper and placed on my desk by a strong HR woman that I really respected whilst I was working in a large people business. It said “Tough times don’t last, tough people do” – aka get more resilient and know your self-worth. Whatever career path or choice you take – emotional resilience needs to be worked on and it’s an ongoing learning journey! Second is something I feel I have learnt along the way….; Having passion for what you do will never make work feel like work and it doesn’t matter what you do if you like the people you work with, the people matter.”

Kay Fadden, Performance and People Manager 

“My personal experience has been that out of mistakes and failures I have made throughout my career I have drawn on those experiences in future moments and turned failure in to success. The best lessons are learnt when we get it wrong.”

Zoe Lane, Manager 

“I’ve always told myself it’s all about mind set – believing you can achieve through dedication and hard work, as well as being lifelong learner. Never assume you are the cleverest person in the room.”

Zoe Towlson, Digital Marketing Executive 

“I think the main one is to embrace (and almost seek) failure, because you won’t always do everything right the first time, but embracing that notion means that you don’t fear trying new things. Everything is a learning process and we grow from our experiences – both the good ones and the bad ones – and those experiences are what ultimately make you better at your job. The quicker you figure out how not to do something, the quicker you find out how to do it perfectly. I think the saying goes “Fail early. Fail often. Fail forward.” 

Natasha, People Recruitment & Training Consultant 

• Keep pushing even when times are tough. 

• Never give up, tomorrows always a better day. 

• Stay true to your word, have the confidence to be who you are. 

Lizzie Stein, Recruitment Consultant  

“I would say that through my own experience I have learned that you can only do your best. Your work and career is effected by so many external factors that you cannot control everything. Work hard and to the best of your ability and you will be rewarded.”

Kirsty Lockyear, Principal Resourcing Consultant 

“Share knowledge. We all learn different things with different experiences and teaching can only help someone. I am forever asking questions from the people around me because it’s guaranteed that they know more than me about something, and on some days I will be the one teaching others. We’re not fighting against each other, we’re growing our knowledge, understanding, and support for one another. “

Hannah Kelly, Content Apprentice 

With positions ranging from management to apprentice, there is a wide collection of experience within the team, and each member brings their own set of unique skills and talent to the industry. 

Finding women in leadership roles can be a challenge, particularly for male dominated industries, but the representation is slowly improving. Since 2011, the proportion of women in senior management roles across the globe has increased by almost 10% and the aim is to see that continue rising. With support and action from everyone, there will no longer be a fight for equal opportunities for women, but instead the chance to provide our own skills and qualities to management positions. 

To see what you can get involved in today’s International Women’s day, head over to their website https://www.internationalwomensday.com/  

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