Mastering Your Morning Routine

Aug 30, 2016

Do you spend your mornings running around searching for things you should have found the night before? Hectic and rushed mornings are a sure-fire way to start the day late and flustered. By introducing a morning routine, you can save time, have some structure and make that commute to work a little more bearable. So if you’re in need of mastering that morning routine, here are our top tips.
Evening preparation
Think about what tomorrow holds for you and think what you need ready. Whether that is making your lunch for the days ahead, or ironing your shirt for that all important meeting, planning ahead can save you time in the morning and make you a lot less stressed!
Whatever you do, do not forget to set that dreaded alarm; there is nothing worse than waking up in a state of panic when yourealise you over slept! If you’re a heavy sleeper, set three alarms, and put them at the other side of your bedroom – this way you are taking no risks of oversleeping.
We have all been told at some point in our lives that breakfast is the most important meal of the day – and when you’re working long hours this couldn’t be more true. Work out what breakfast food works for you, perhaps toast fits into your morning routine perfectly or you may be one of the people who grabs some fruit for their journey to work. Whatever it may be just make sure you are getting that all important nourishment your body needs.
Designate a place for everything
I’m sure we’ve all been there running around in the morning trying to find our keys or wallet while frantically looking at the time knowing we’re going to be late. A dish for the car keys, a tray for your phone and wallet and hooks for your jackets can all help reduce the rush and get you out the door on time.
The most important thing about any routine is to stick to it! The more you do it, the less you have to think about it. By putting that little bit of structure to your day, you can get to work stress free and ready for the day ahead!

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